The Leesburg Police Citizens Support Team, Incorporated is organized to aid, support, and in all lawful manner, assist the Police Department of the Town of Leesburg, Virginia, in the prevention of crime and the promotion of public safety.



The Leesburg Police Citizens Support Team, Inc. (LPCSTI) was established in April of 1996 by the Leesburg Police Department as an integral part of community policing in the town of Leesburg, Virginia. LPCSTI is a nonprofit, volunteer organization of citizens who work closely with the LPD to further those community policing goals.

Over the years, the team's members have contributed thousands of hours of volunteer service to the Leesburg Police Department and the Town of Leesburg. LPCSTI has been recognized by federal, state, and local authorities along with civic groups. The team supports LPD through a number of activities, including: distribution of DNA identification kits along with child safety awareness materials; community patrol; conducting safety seatbelt and street light surveys; directing traffic along with crowd control at accidents, emergency scenes and special events.